Don't miss our coming events:
JANUARY (2022)
4 - Pastors Fellowship Decatur 9:30 am
11 - Peoria Pastors 10 am
13 - Mississippi Valley Pastors 9:30 am
27 - Quincy Pastors, 10 am
july (2022)
4-9 Family Camp
11-16 Jr. High Camp
18-23 Sen. High Camp
25-30 Jr. Camp #2
February (2022)
1 Pastors Fellowship Decatur. Riverside 9:30
8 Council of Eight Meeting, 10 am
10 Chicago Pastors Meeting 10 am
August (2022)
9 – Council of 8 meeting
19-20 – Men’s Retreat
March (2022)
1 Decatur Pastors Fellowship 9:30 am
​ 10 Mississippi Valley Pastors 9;30 Brown St.
12 Camp Board Meeting 10 am
24 Quincy pastors 10 am Columbus Road
29 Peoria Pastors 10 am Germantown Hills Bap.
April (2022)
September (2022)
2-6 Labor Day Weekend Retreat
9-10 Ladies Retreat
13 – Senior Saints Retreat
17 ABWE EveryEthne Church Solutions Conf.
Fellowship Bible Chruch, Peoria
22-23 Pastor & Wife Retreat at Embassy Suites at
E. Peoria "IL-MO" 1-800-465-4329
May (2022)
October (2022)
4 - IL-MO Fall Conference at Germantown Hills
Baptist Church. 10 am - 4:00 pm. David is speaker.
november (2022)
June (2022)
June 13-15 Beginner Camp
June 27 - July 2 Junior #1 Camp
1-2 M 4 conference at New Beginnings, Oswego
december (2022)